
Welcome to Adam Likes Trees! My name is Adam and I’m an artist based in New York City. In my artwork, I invite people to think differently about our relationship to the natural world and the false separations we have created between people and nature. I also just have a lot of fun being imaginative and unrealistic about how we can incorporate more greenery in cities. Pen and ink is my primary medium, but I also explore with watercolors, acrylics, and mixed media. Check out the Portfolio section of this site to see some of my most polished pieces.

I have been working as a GIS (computer mapping) and spatial analyst consultant for cities and communities looking to bring tree canopy analysis and asset management to their urban forestry planning practices. I am a huge advocate for increasing the number of trees and green infrastructure in cities, especially in under resourced neighborhoods. Trees help cities and communities by building resilience and balancing the climate while making public spaces more livable and enjoyable. See examples of urban forestry GIS and planning work I have done in the ‘Cartography Portfolio’ section of this website.